


16877太阳集团安全入口/正高2019-02-28 21:30:48来源:16877太阳集团安全入口评论:0收藏本文



姓名: 罗智超图片1.png



办公地点: 610

电子邮箱: zcluo@scnu.edu.cn 










5. 国家自然科学青年基金:基于微谐振器的高重频脉冲掺镱光纤激光器特性研究(61307058);起止时间:2014.01-2016.12;主持

6. 广东省应用型科技研发专项资金项目,面向透明材料的3D打印及高精细加工装备中共性关键技术-高重频微焦级飞秒光纤激光光源的研发与示范应用(2016B090925004);起止时间:2016/07-2019/06;共同主持

7. 广东省培养高层次人才特殊支持计划:广东省科技创新青年拔尖人才(2014TQ01X220);起止时间:2015.04-2018.03;主持

8. 广州市“珠江科技新星”专项计划:百GHz量级高重频脉冲掺镱光纤激器研究(2014J2200008);起止时间:2014.04-2017.03;主持

9. 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划培养:层状黑磷材料非线性光学特性及其在超快光纤激光器中的应用研究(YQ2015051);起止时间:2016.01-2018.12;主持


1. OSA Outstanding Reviewer Award (2019)

2. IEEE PTL Outstanding Reviewer Award (2019)



1. M. Liu, Z. W. Wei, H. Li, T. J. Li, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, “Visualizing the “invisible” soliton pulsation in an ultrafast laser,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14, 1900317 (2020).

2. S. S. Xu, M. Liu, Z. W. Wei, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu, and Z. C. Luo*, “Multipulse dynamics in a Mamyshev oscillator,” Optics Letters, 45, 2620 (2020).

3. Z. W. Wei, M. Liu, S. X. Ming, H. Cui, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu, and Z. C. Luo*, “Exploding soliton in an anomalous-dispersion fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 45, 531 (2020).

4. M. Liu, T.-J. Li, A.-P. Luo, W.-C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, ““Periodic” soliton explosions in a dual-wavelength mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser," Photonics Research, 8, 246-251 (2020).

5.  Y. Yu, C. Kong, B. Li, J. Q. Kang, Y. X. Ren, Z. C. Luo*, and K. K. Y. Wong*, “Behavioral similarity of dissipative solitons in an ultrafast fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 43, 4132-4135 (2019).

6.  X. Y. Li, S. L. Liu, M. Liu, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo* and W. C. Xu*, "Vector Effects of Dissipative Soliton in All-Fiber MOPA System [Invited]," IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(6),6802910 (2019).

7. Z. W. Wei, M. Liu, S. X. Ming, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu, and Z. C. Luo*, “Pulsating soliton with chaotic behavior in a fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 43, 5965-5968 (2018).

8. Y. Yu, Z. C. Luo*, J. Q. Kang, and K. K. Y. Wong*, “Mutually ignited soliton explosions in a fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 43, 4132-4135 (2018).

9. M. Liu, R. Tang, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, “Graphene-decorated microfiber knot as a broadband resonator for ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulse fiber lasers [Invited],” Photonics Research, 6, C1-C7 (2018).

10. M. Liu, H. J. Chen, A. P. Luo, G. Y. Zhou, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu, “Identification of coherent and incoherent spectral sidebands in an ultrafast fiber laser,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24, 1100606 (2018).

11. H. J. Chen, M. Liu, J. Yao, S. Hu, J. B. He, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, “Buildup dynamics of dissipative soliton in an ultrafast fiber laser with net-normal dispersion,” Optics Express, 26, 2972-2982 (2018).

12. M. Liu, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu, “Dynamic trapping of a polarization rotation vector soliton in a fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 42, 330-333 (2017).

13. Z. R. Cai, M. Liu, S. Hu, J. Yao, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu*, “Graphene-decorated microfiber photonic device for generation of rogue waves in a fiber laser,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23, 0900306 (2017).

14. M. Liu, A. P. Luo, W. C. Xu* and, Z. C. Luo*, “Dissipative rogue waves induced by soliton explosions in an ultrafast fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 41, 3912-3915, (2016).

15.  M. Liu, A. P. Luo, Y. R. Yan, S. Hu, Y. C. Liu, H. Cui, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu*, “Successive soliton explosions in an ultrafast fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 41, 1181-1184 (2016).

16.  S. Hu, J. Yao, M. Liu, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu*, “Gain-guided soliton fiber laser with high-quality rectangle spectrum for ultrafast time-stretch microscopy,” Optics Express, 24, 10786-10796 (2016).

17.  M. Liu, Z. R. Cai, S. Hu, A. P. Luo, C. J. Zhao, H. Zhang, W. C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, “Dissipative rogue waves induced by long-range chaotic multi-pulse interactions in a fiber laser with a topological insulator-deposited microfiber photonics device,” Optics Letters, 40, 2667-2770 (2015).

18.     A. P. Luo, M. Liu, X. D. Wang, Q. Y. Ning, W. C. Xu*, and Z. C. Luo*, “Few-layer MoS2-deposited microfiber as highly nonlinear photonic device for pulse shaping in a fiber laser [Invited],” Photonics Research, 3, A69-A78 (2015).

19.     M. Liu, A. P. Luo, X. W. Zheng, N. Zhao, H. Liu, X. W. Zheng, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo*, W. C. Xu*, Y. Chen, C. J. Zhao, and H. Zhang, “Microfiber-based, highly-nonlinear topological insulator photonic device for the formation of versatile multi-soliton patterns in a fiber laser,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33, 2056-2061 (2015).

20.     F. Z. Wang, H. Liu, Y. Q. Huang, M. Liu, A. P. Luo, Z. C. Luo*, and W. C. Xu*, “Flexible generation of coherent rectangular pulse from an ultrafast fiber laser based on dispersive Fourier transformation technique,” Optics Express, 23, 27315-27321 (2015).


1. Z. C. Luo*, “Real-time visualization of pulsating soliton dynamics in fiber lasers,” Photonics Asia 2020 (Invited talk).

2. Z. C. Luo*, “Ultrahigh-repetition-rate pulse fiber lasers by 2D materials decorated microfiber photonic devices,” OECC 2019 (Invited talk).

3. Z. C. Luo*, “Unveiling soliton booting dynamics in ultrafast fiber lasers,” ICOCN 2019 (Invited talk).

4.  Z. C. Luo*, “Soliton transient dynamics in ultrafast fiber lasers,” CLEO PR 2018 (Invited talk).

5. Z. C. Luo*, “Visualizing the soliton explosions in ultrafast fiber lasers,” ICOCN 2018 (Invited talk).

6. Z. C. Luo*, “Rogue waves in fiber lasers by 2D materials-based photonic devices,” CLEO PR 2017 (Invited talk).

7.  Z. C. Luo*, “Soliton dynamics in ultrafast fiber lasers,” AOPC 2017 (Invited talk).

8.  Z. C. Luo*, “Rogue Wave Generation in Fiber Lasers,” IEEE OGC 2016 (Invited talk).

9. Z. C. Luo*, “2D Materials-Deposited Microfiber as Highly-Nonlinear Photonic Device for Pulse Shaping in a Fiber Laser,” OECC 2015 (Invited talk).

10. Z. C. Luo*, “Two-dimensional Materials-based Photonic Device for Pulse Shaping in Fiber Lasers,” CIOP 2015 (Invited talk).


1. “中国激光杂志社”首届“青年编辑委员会”委员(2017- )

2. 《激光与光电子学进展》第九届编委会委员

3. 《光学学报》专题编辑(Topical Editor)

4. 《红外与激光工程》期刊首届“青年编辑委员会”委员(2018- )
